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ANR's Comprehensive Business Course

We support those who take on challenges.

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Accelerators active in various fields, from start-ups to small and medium-sized enterprises and social businesses in Japan and around the world, will support your dreams and challenges.

All courses are held at the location 80 minutes from Tokyo Station without transfers and 3 minutes by shuttle bus from the tourist spot "Onjuku Station".

The event will be held at the Innovation Village Log House, which we operate, of which the first building has now been completed.

Experienced instructors

松村 拓也

After graduating from the University of Tokyo, he joined Gendai Keikaku Kensetsu Co., Ltd. before joining Tatsu Construction Co., Ltd. Three years after he became CEO, the company went bankrupt. Two months later, he founded Tatsu Co., Ltd. In 2005, he became the principal of IID Setagaya Monozukuri School. In 2006, he established IID Setagaya Monozukuri School, a company that supports entrepreneurship and start-ups, within the Setagaya Industrial Promotion Corporation. In 2012, he founded the Japan Land Resources Association, and since 2014 has been active in Setagaya, Tokyo, based at Minna no Ie Eikan. He is a first-class architect and Cabinet Office regional revitalization evangelist. He is also the representative director of the Japan Land Resources Association, a general incorporated association.

小野 智史

He is the Executive Director of the Innovation Fusion Society and a member of the Light Up Nippon Executive Committee. After graduating from graduate school, he worked in accounting audits, tax matters, and consulting at an accounting firm. He then obtained an MBA and, together with former Google CEO Norio Murakami, he formed a joint venture with Bangladesh's largest ICT and education group, Daffodil Group, to establish Daffodil Japan IT, where he became an executive officer. He is also one of the founders of Bangladesh's largest Japanese language school. He received the International Star for Leadership in Quality Award (ISLQ) in France.

鈴木 洋一

Since 2009, he has worked with young people and movement building at the international NGO Oxfam. In 2014, he founded PowerShift Japan. In 2016, he launched Wake Up Japan with Hasegawa. Since 2017, he has served as a Youth Engagement Advisor at the international NGO Free the Children. His main areas of activity include youth participation in society, citizenship education and campaigns, community organizing, and social change theory.

<Major lectures>

Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Public Policy, Kagawa University, Tohoku University, YMCA General Assembly, International Federation of Medical Students Japan, etc.

Themes: Youth participation in society, international cooperation, dialogue and communication, social change, development education, trends in Japanese society and people's perceptions

富樫 泰良

A pioneer in the world of youth and politics. At the age of 12, he launched World Peace Japan, an international volunteer network club for junior and senior high school students with 1,300 members. He was the first student to appear on NHK's "Sunday Debate." He has been featured on NHK Metropolitan Special and TBS News Special. He has also made numerous studio appearances on NHK's "Asaichi" and BS Fuji's "Prime News." He has written "Our Hopes, the Reality of Politics," which he published together with Diet members from the Liberal Democratic Party, Komeito, Japan Innovation Party, Osaka Restoration Association, and the Communist Party. He proposed Komeito's key policies for the 2016 House of Councillors election, including "Establishment of a Minister for Youth Affairs and a Department to Replace This" and "Promotion of a Youth Parliament." He is in charge of Seven & i Create Link's business.

奥井 利幸

Representative of Nogezaka Glocal, social business consultant, and development consultant. As an expert for the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), he has been working to support the socially vulnerable and community development in 14 Asian countries, including Thailand and Myanmar, for a total of 21 years. After returning to Japan in 2016, he established the citizen group Nogezaka Glocal, which promotes "global x local" by preparing to operate a community space locally in Nogeyama, Yokohama, practicing urban development, and engaging in international cooperation and exchange. He is a member of the Civic Sector Yokohama and the Yokohama Planners Network.

独立したい、フリーランスってどういうこと?起業しようと思っても、今さら聞けないことばかり。 事業計画の建て方から、資金調達の方法、うまく行かなくなったときどうしたいいかといったこと。仲間を集め、仲間とともに歩むためのリーダーシップ・チームビルディング講座、情報発信が簡単になった時代だからこそ生の連鎖をつくるための広報基礎、そして多くの人...
開始日 2019年7月23日
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